Stewardship Campaign
On behalf of the parish council, the stewardship subcommittee would like to thank parishioners who thoughtfully and prayerfully considered their financial pledge for 2016.
35 pledges have been returned for a total of $133.320, along with other PAG (Pre-authorized Giving) amounts , this totals $208,160.
The budget for 2016 is $426,121.00.
There are 170 households on our parish list.
A few pledge sheets asked if the parish could increase their PAG (Pre-authorized Giving) pledges by certain amounts. The parish is unable to do this, as the people making the increase in the pledge are required to fill out a form with the amount of the increase, their signature and send it to our Synod office.
You may come to the parish office, 613-548-7254, for a PAG form or you may contact the Diocesan Centre, directly.
2016 pledge forms are also available and if you have not returned a pledge, please consider doing so.
Whether you able to increase your giving in 2016 or you have to reduce, we would appreciate knowing your plan. This helps with our planning and financial management of ministry and worship costs.
The parish council as it begins the work for this year, will now begin to address time and talent concerns for our parish. The stewardship group will work with council in addressing volunteerism, evangelism, and training for ministry. We would appreciate your prayers as we move forward.
We appreciate your support very much.
In Christ’s Name,
The St. James’ Stewardship Group