Queen’s Canterbury Club encourages post-secondary students and young adults to follow Jesus with intelligent and compassionate faith.
Students of many faith backgrounds and none find a warm welcome and a supportive community here.
Our club is the student organization of the Anglican Chaplaincy at Queen’s University, and we meet on campus at St. James Anglican Church (10 Union St. W.) across from the Walter Light building and the Grad Club.
We are a ratified club through the Queen’s Alma Mater Society.
For more info, reach out to our club co-chairs via the club email address: canterburyclub@stjameskingston.ca

Click for information about The Gathering
Club Co-chairs

Meghan Corbett (a third-year engineering student) and Mike Fenn (a fourth-year music and concurrent education student) are the Club co-chairs for the 2022 to 2023 academic year.
The Gathering

On Sunday nights during the academic year club members and friends meet for a short worship service, a guest speaker, discussion time, and a free shared meal. This event is called The Gathering and it starts at 5:30 p.m. and ends by 7:15 p.m.
The Table*
Later this academic year we hope to launch a new opportunity for post-secondary students and young adults of a wide variety of backgrounds to have meaningful conversations on topics that matter over food once a month at a local restaurant. Stay tuned.
*working name
The Canterbury Club is committed to the full inclusion of 2SLGTBQ+ members in all club activities and longs for this to be the case in the Christian church as whole. Both our sponsoring parish, St. James Anglican Church, Kingston, and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Kingston (a local church partner) offer same gender weddings.
In addition, as people who are learning about what authentic Christian community means, we sometimes welcome people from the wider community to The Gathering who may be lonely or who simply need a good meal.

We also have part-time paid chaplain:
The Rev. Lisa Chisholm-Smith (Queen’s Arts ’91, B.Ed. ’94)
Email: lisa@stjameskingston.ca
Voice mail: 613-548-7254 x 3