Updated: January 23, 2025
Note: You can receive weekly updates automatically by subscribing to the St. James Newsletter.
The Frontenac Players in Concert in the parish hall on Saturday from 2-4pm. A free will offering will be received for Welcome Home Ministries, our refugee ministry. The concert will feature folk and traditional music. Performing are (our very own) Don Richardson with Brian Flynn and Christina Tracy.
On Sunday we will be marking the Third Sunday after the Epiphany with a 9am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion (said service) and a 10:30am Book of Alternative Service of Holy Eucharist with hymns and music and the praise band. I will celebrate and the Rev. Sue Beare will speak at sermon time about all of the changes we have made in the chancel and our plans moving forward.
We will be having a short Special Vestry Meeting in the 10:30 service to answer any questions and approve the changes made thus far to the chancel.
For Children’s Church younger children are invited to join the procession at the back of the church before heading off to the parish hall.
The 10:30 service will be live streamed on our YouTube Channel.
Prayer and Anointing will be available during communion.
This Sunday is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring non-perishable goods to services and leave them in the containers at the back of the church. Chris will deliver all items to the food bank early in the week. More and more residents of Kingston are struggling to afford food. We encourage those who can afford it, to donate your provincial rebate cheque to charities helping with access to housing, food and healthcare.
A Soup and Bread Lunch will follow the 10:30 service in the parish hall. Please join us for good food and fellowship.
The Gathering will meet in the parish hall at 5:30pm for worship and dinner. Details below.
Looking ahead this week…
Tuesday January 28
The Women’s Bible Study group gathers at 9:30am via Zoom. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Rowland at lzbthrowland@gmail.com
Prayer Meeting by Zoom at 3pm.
The Men’s Group will meet in the Clarence Hale Room at 7pm. New members are welcome.
Thursday January 30
The Thursday Bible Study group will meet at Noon on Zoom.
I look forward to seeing you and worshipping with you on Sunday!
God Bless