Updated: September 6, 2024
Note: You can receive weekly updates automatically by subscribing to the St. James Newsletter.
This Sunday we will be celebrating the Second Sunday of the Season of Creation. We will return to our regular service schedule with a 9am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion (said service) and a 10:30am Book of Alternative Service of Holy Eucharist with hymns and music. The praise band will also start up again for the season. I will celebrate and preach at both services.
Children’s Church resumes for another season. Younger children are invited to join the procession at the back of the church . Others can join them as they head off to the parish hall.
The 10:30 service will be live streamed on our YouTube Channel.
Looking ahead this week…
Tuesday September 10
The Women’s Bible Study group will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 9:30am.
We will continue to meet on Zoom. Fore more information, please contact Elizabeth Rowland at lzbthrowland@gmail.com
Prayer Meeting by Zoom at 3pm.
Thursday September 12
The Thursday Bible Study group will meet at Noon on Zoom.
Looking further ahead …
Sunday September 15
Services at 9am and 10:30am
Welcome Back BBQ after the 10:30am service.
Enjoy a hamburger or hot dog (provided) and friendship outside on the front lawn. Donations of salads, desserts, snacks greatly appreciated. Volunteers needed for set-up, cooking, floaters and clean-up.
The Gathering will reconvene at 5:30pm in the parish hall for worship and dinner.
I have been spending time going through boxes of books that have been left in the Rogers Room presumably for our parish library. We have no room to accomodate any more books so please do not bring books to the church. Thank you for your cooperation.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
God Bless!