Below is a link to an exciting music program that has been offered at Joyceville Minimum Inst. (formerly Pittsburgh Inst.) over the past few years. This Spring a funding request was sent to the David Rockefeller Fund Grant, New York, which was approved for $25,000. The quotation near the end of the article is from Lloyd.
The David Rockefeller Fund, although American in root, is known to provide funding support to criminal justice, arts & environmental initiatives. Although the music program is being offered in Canada, possibly Chris Browns’ connection to NYC & also the unique nature of this program may have factored into the equation when the funding was granted. I understand Lloyd was involved in the fund-writing request.
Chris Brown is a local musician who lives on Wolfe Island & has deep roots into the music community here & in the US.
“In my 11 years inside the Federal Prison system, I have never seen anything touch the hearts and souls of so many,” added Lloyd Ingraham, a parolee who had been through the program. “It was with the power of music that Chris was able to reach out to the guys. The music drew them out and sometimes it took a lot of encouragement to convince them to get involved. But to see the look on a man’s face as he listens to himself for the first time on tape and realize this is an accomplishment and he is capable of doing more than he ever thought he could, gave the guys a new sense of purpose that brought them out of the darkness that had been in their life for so long.”
To read the full article, please click on this link.
One Comment
Great article and inspiring TedX talk… well-spoken and thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing the link. Wonderful news about the grant!
It’s also good to know that there is an entire on-line magazine devoted to good things people are doing….
We miss Lloyd and hope he is doing well!