Journeying together in Christ

God the Giver: Stewardship

background for God the giver Logo this one for slide

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Creator, who created all the lights in the heavens. God never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”    James 1:17

St James’ “God the Giver” pledge campaign has begun. Last Sunday, envelopes containing the Narrative Budget for 2016, a letter from the Rector and a pledge card were available for pickup at the back of the Nave. The letters that were not picked up have been mailed.

The scriptures tell us that God is the giver of all good things. God gives us life, creation, and an abundance of blessings.  We are called to respond to God’s graciousness with our own generosity.

Followers of Jesus are called to be intentional givers. So, this year in gratitude for God’s generosity to us, the members of St James are being invited to make a pledge commitment indicating the financial contribution to the mission of St James that they will be making in 2016. While these pledges indicate a serious intent on the part of the giver, the Stewardship Working Group members also understand that a change in circumstances during the course of the year may affect the amount that an individual or household is able to contribute this year.

Please complete your pledge card and put it in a sealed envelope marked “God the Giver” and place it on the offering plate on any Sunday between now and February 21, 2016 (which is the annual vestry meeting Sunday). For your convenience, addressed envelopes and extra copies of the narrative budget and pledge form are available in the Nave of the church.

As you fill in your pledge card please remember that the church experiences cost of living increases just as households experience cost of living increases.

We ask that all pledge cards be returned by Vestry Sunday, February 21, 2016.  You may also mail in your pledge card or drop it off at the church office.