St. James' Anglican Church Kingston

Lay Ministries
Lay ministers are the people involved in making St. James Anglican Church of Kingston happen through volunteering their times and skills.
Members of the Choir, Lay Readers, Chalice Bearers, Members of the Altar Guild exercise a specific ministry in the 10:30 am service each Sunday.
Lay Readers
Should you have questions about the Ministry of Lay Readers, please email or

Greeters at the 9 AM Service
Greeters are available to make the Sunday service more welcoming to everyone.

Altar Guilds
Altar Guilds play a vital role in preparing the sanctuary for worship, ensuring the space is beautiful, welcoming and ready for everyone.

Sidespeople assist with the Offertory by passing baskets through the congregation and guiding worshipers to the altar during Communion.