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Financial Giving

There are several ways to give financially and confidentially to St. James. 


All financial giving to St. James Anglican Church is confidential.
Charitable receipts for income tax purposes are issued annually.

Canada Helps: You can also give online through the “Canada Helps” link which will take you directly to St. James’ Canada Helps donation page. One advantage of this method of giving is that you receive your charitable receipt right away. You don’t need to wait until tax season.

Envelopes: Another common method of giving to the church is to use weekly giving envelopes which are issued annually by the Envelope Secretary. If you choose this method of giving, you’ll receive a box of envelopes which are dated for each week of the year and have your personal number on them. You place your offering (either cash or cheque) in the envelope and put it in the offering plate during Sunday worship.

Mail in or Drop Off: At any time, you can make a financial contribution to St. James Anglican Church either by sending us a cheque in the mail or dropping off your donation in person to the church office during regular business hours.

Pre-authorized Gift Program (PAG): is a popular and an easy way to give to the church. When you participate in the PAG program, your bank account or credit card will be debited automatically for your contribution each month. This type of automated giving ensures that your gift makes it to church even when you are not able to attend in person. It is also very helpful to the church in managing its cash flow.

To enroll in the PAG program please complete the PAG Enrollment Form. To make a request to change the amount of your monthly PAG gift, please use the PAG Change Request Form. Both forms can be downloaded from the St. James website or picked up at the back of the church or in the church office during business hours.

E-Transfer: You can donate electronically by sending an e-transfer to Please include your name and address in the comments section. If you wish your electronic gift to go to a specific ministry, please include that information in the comments section as well, otherwise it will be treated as a general donation.


St. James supports the Kingston community through a variety of ministries. Your donations are always appreciated and can be directed to the ministry of your choice.


 (613) 548-7254 


10 Union Street West, Kingston, ON K7L 2N7


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